College is a very important time in many people's life. This is where they obtain a crucial education in order to gain the career they have wanted since they were a kid. After watching many movies college is depicted as a place to go party, to meet alot of people, get into a bunch of drama, oh and don't forget about greek life. Many movies these days is alot about how greek life is everything on a college campus. Now don't get me wrong I know those are all movies and the point of them is to attract viewers with their crazy college stories, but I don't think, unless you have been at least through most of your undergraduate college career, you truly get a sense of the true college experience.
Your college education is the most important thing about going to college. But have you ever seen in any of the movies of TV shows any of them studying. I mean from experience I study hours at least three hours a night, usually more that just might be on a slow night for me. I understand this could be different for others that have chosen other majors, but for us science majors its not easy ride. Now that I'm a junior it is beginning to be crunch time because I have to take a big step after I finish my undergraduate degree.
My point is that college is more than just a time to mess around and have fun. I'm not saying that you don't get to have fun, because college is a blast, but I feel like there is a right and a wrong way to go through college. The wrong way is obviously partying first and working on your education second. Those types of people don't seem to get very far or even graduate for that matter. The right way is to focus on your education first and enjoy every bit of it while you there, because it doesn't last forever. Its all about making the right decisions. So through this blog I will tell you all the ins and outs of college, the stuff that you don't get to see in the movies or TV shows.
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